Stephanie Mabey

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Been navigating a recent flare-up of anxiety and depression. I remember when it used to be like this all the time and all the ways it used to limit me. I spent a good majority of my life feeling freaked out about pretty much everything. I didn't know how to make life choices based on anything but fear. I have spent the last 5 years actively challenging this part of my mind. It's been a lot of work. When I move forward it's because I consciously choose to. Sometimes it feels like clawing at the sides of a pit, but eventually I grab hold of something and pull myself up. I'm grateful for the way I've been feeling so thrown off lately because I will get to the other side and have more tools I can use next time. I don't know why being a human on the earth hasn't come easily for me, but I'm weirdly grateful. I hope it helps me learn how to build bridges for other people who might feel stuck. ðŸ“·: Russ Dixon

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