Ember // How I Found The Perfect Release Show Venue

I've been spending the last two weeks imagining what an amazing EP release show would feel like. Not as an artist, but as an audience member. I've been looking for ways to create an experience for the humans who have cared about and supported my music for years as well as the ones who are just discovering it. I knew a key part of this would be finding the perfect space, but I also had a hard time figuring out what that even actually meant. So, I made a list of 100 ideas with the sole purpose of demolishing any mental limits I had around how to do a show. Some of the funnier highlights include a 7-11 parking lot, my bedroom and the aquarium (I still might do one there, though.) "Lamp/lighting showroom? Other large kitchens?" ...  listen, I don't even know what happened there. Mental limits: demolished. The act of picturing weird shows in 100 different places helped me step back and figure out what exactly it was that I wanted to create for people. 

100 ideas 

100 ideas 


Later that week I was touring a few spots in downtown SLC with Casey, a lovely & vibrant event manager I'd met through the Utah Venue Market site. They were so close but they still felt like they were missing something. I told her I was looking for an open, minimal space that we could transform with light installations. I also wanted it to have a strange entrance that let you know you were escaping the routine your of everyday life. She paused and said "I just barely took over a building that might actually be perfect. It's brand new. It's called Ember." And then my brain melted. 

Ember // final renovation stage 

Ember // final renovation stage 


It was in the final stages of renovation when I saw it, but I couldn't believe how exactly it matched the feeling I was looking for. It even has a strange alternate side entrance that will eventually become an elegant patio (I'm so glad I found it before that happens, though. haha) As I explored the main rooms and the spiral staircase loft I could picture it clearly. The whole experience. I can't wait to create it for you in real life now. 

Tickets on sale now: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/stephanie-mabey-official-ep-release-show-tickets-27481987364

**Early Bird Special: Purchase your ticket before 9/9 and get the group rate of $15 (+ no fees)**